The amount of money you need to pay to register a trademark depends on several factors, such as the type of trademark, the number of classes of goods or services, and the country or region where you want to register your mark.
If you are looking to register a trademark to build and protect your brand, you may find this article helpful. We will explain how much it costs to register a trademark in the United States as well as in some other regions around the world, so read on to learn what you need to know.
How Much Does it Cost to Register a Trademark in the United States?
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency that administers the registration of trademarks in the US. The USPTO charges different fees for different services related to trademark registration. Here are some of the main fees that you need to pay when registering your trademark in the United States:
- Application filing fee. This is the fee that you pay when you submit your initial application for trademark registration. The amount of this fee depends on which application filing option you choose and how many classes of goods or services you include in your application. The USPTO offers two filing options: TEAS Plus and TEAS Standard. TEAS Plus is cheaper but has more requirements, such as providing a complete identification of goods or services and agreeing to communicate electronically with the USPTO. TEAS Standard is more expensive but has fewer requirements. The current application filing fees are $250 per class for TEAS Plus and $350 per class for TEAS Standard.
- Additional fees for intent-to-use applications. If you are not yet using your trademark in commerce but have a bona fide intention to do so in the future, you can file an intent-to-use application. However, this type of application requires paying additional fees at later stages of the registration process. These fees include: a statement of use fee ($100 per class), which is due when you submit proof of use of your mark in commerce; an extension request fee ($125 per class), which is due if you need more time to submit proof of use; and a petition fee ($50-$250), which is due if you need to revive an abandoned application or request other special actions.
- Maintenance fees. After you register your trademark, you need to pay maintenance fees periodically to keep your registration alive. These fees include: a declaration of use and/or excusable nonuse fee ($225 per class), which is due between the fifth and sixth year after registration; a renewal fee ($525 per class), which is due every 10 years after registration; and a grace period surcharge ($200 per class), which is due if you miss the regular deadline for maintenance filings.
These are the basic fees that apply to most trademark applications and registrations in the United States. However, there may be other fees that apply to specific situations or circumstances, such as opposition or cancelation proceedings, requests for expedited processing, requests for certified copies, etc. You can check the full fee schedule on the USPTO website.
How Much Does it Cost to Register a Trademark Internationally?
If you want to register your trademark in other countries or regions, you need to pay additional fees to the respective trademark offices or authorities. The amount of these fees varies depending on the country or region, the type of trademark, the number of classes of goods or services, and other factors.
There are two main ways to register your trademark internationally: directly with each national or regional trademark office; or through an international system such as the Madrid System or the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) system.
- Direct registration. This method involves filing separate applications with each national or regional trademark office where you want to register your mark. You need to comply with the specific requirements and procedures of each office, such as language, format, classification, etc. You also need to pay separate fees for each application, which may include application filing fees, examination fees, publication fees, registration fees, etc. The amount of these fees varies widely from country to country or region to region. For example, according to some online sources, the application filing fee for one class of goods or services ranges from $4 in India to $1,000 in Japan.
- International registration. This method involves filing one application with one office and obtaining protection for your mark in multiple countries or regions that are party to an international treaty or agreement. The main advantage of this method is that you can save time, money, and hassle by filing one application in one language and paying one set of fees. The main disadvantages are that you may face objections or refusals from some countries or regions and that you may lose protection in all countries or regions if your mark is canceled in the country or region of origin. The main international systems for trademark registration are:
- The Madrid System, administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). To use this system, you need to have a basic application or registration in your country or region of origin and then file an international application with WIPO, designating the countries or regions where you want to register your mark. You need to pay two types of fees: a basic fee ($653-$903), which is paid to WIPO, and a supplementary fee ($100 per class) or an individual fee (variable), which is paid to each designated country or region.
- The European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) system, administered by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). With this system, you need to file one application with EUIPO in order to obtain protection for your mark in the entire EU territory, and you need to pay one application filing fee (ā¬850-ā¬1,050), which covers up to three classes of goods or services. If you want to include more than three classes, you need to pay an extra fee (ā¬150 per class).
We Can Help You Register Your Trademarks Successfully
Registering a trademark can be a complex and challenging process. This is why we recommend that you seek professional help from a qualified trademark attorney who can help you design a comprehensive and effective trademark registration strategy and execute it by preparing and filing the required paperwork with the appropriate office(s), ensuring that it meets all the requirements and standards.
At Jurado & Associates, P.A., we have a team of experienced and passionate trademark attorneys who have helped many clients register their trademarks successfully, both nationally and internationally, and we can help you too.
Do not hesitate to contact us today. You can reach us by phone at (305) 921-0976, by email at [email protected], or by WhatsApp at +1 (305) 921-0976.Ā
We will help you protect your brand.